Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor Parish Council serves a growing community with a population of nearly 4,000. Originally in Berkshire, parish boundary changes in 1974 meant is became part of Oxfordshire. KBS Parish Council has nine council seats, which are all currently filled, and is the first tier of local government.
Parish councillors live in their parish and are elected every four years. They are not paid for their service. The clerk is the council’s officer who is a paid employee. The clerk deals with administrative matters, acts as an adviser to the councillors and provides a link between the parish council and other agencies and public bodies. The clerk is also the council’s Responsible Financial Officer.
Parish councils are publicly accountable and residents are encouraged to attend all meetings.
The parish council raises money through taxation (the precept) which represents a portion of residents’ council tax, and this allows it to carry out its functions and responsibilities which are listed below. The parish council is autonomous but can make representations on behalf of the community the district council (Vale of White Horse) and Oxfordshire County Council. KBS Parish Council generally meets on the first Monday of the month in the Swallow Room of the Village Hall.
Details of upcoming meetings will be displayed on Meetings page and the council noticeboards along with the agenda. Minutes of past meetings are available to download from this site or by contacting the clerk. If you are interested in how you become a parish councillor please see the information contained in this government document.
What we do
• Act as a consultee on planning applications
• Seek funding from developers through the district council for improvements for the parish
• Maintain the central village grass verges and the public open spaces owned by the parish council (such as the rec)
• Provide and maintain the burial ground
• Provide, maintain and inspect the Fir Tree Close playground and other recreational equipment
• Pick litter around the villages and provide bins in public open spaces such as the recreation ground
• Provide and empty dog bins
• Provide and maintain bus shelters
• Lobby Oxfordshire County Council for highways repairs and improvements
• Lobby Vale of White Horse District Council for improvements in the services they provide
• Provide grants and donations to local groups and charities
• Provide a war memorial and play a part in the Remembrance Sunday commemorations
Other services are provided by the district and county councils
Vale of White Horse District Council
• Abandoned vehicles
• Benefits
• Building Control
• Business Rates
• Community Safety
• Council Tax
• Electoral Services
• Environmental Health
• Housing Services
• Planning
• Refuse Collection
Oxfordshire County Council
• Education
• Fire Service
• Libraries
• Mineral and Waste Policies
• Social Services
• Trading Standards
• Highways and pavements (adopted roads only)
• Public transport
• Concessionary Bus Passes and parking permits
• Road Safety
• Street Lighting